Creating an Acheiveable Content Calendar for Your Online Writing

Learn how to create a content calendar, plan topics in advance, and balance evergreen and timely content to streamline your content strategy effectively.

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As a coach, you know the power of consistency in achieving goals. But when it comes to content creation, many of us struggle to maintain that same level of consistency.
In fact, 60% of marketers face challenges in producing content regularly.
If you've ever found yourself in a content creation frenzy or experiencing long periods of radio silence, you're not alone.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore practical strategies to transform your content approach from sporadic to systematic.
From implementing the Justin Welsh method to leveraging tools like Buffer, we'll cover everything you need to create a content calendar that works for you, not against you.
Drawing from personal experiences and industry best practices, this article will equip you with the knowledge and tools to boost your coaching authority and engage your audience effectively in 2024.
Let's dive in and make this the year you master your content strategy!

The Justin Welsh Approach: Create a Weekly Schedule That Works

The Justin Welsh method of content planning has revolutionized the way many coaches approach their content strategy.
At its core, this approach involves breaking down your week into manageable content blocks, each dedicated to a specific task in the content creation process.

Key aspects of the Justin Welsh approach:

  1. Task-specific days: Assign different content-related tasks to specific days of the week. For example:
      • Monday: Brainstorming and idea generation
      • Tuesday: Content writing
      • Wednesday: Editing and refining
      • Thursday: Visual content creation
      • Friday: Scheduling and engagement
  1. Flexibility: Adapt the schedule to align with your coaching niche and audience needs. If your followers are most active midweek, prioritize posting your best content on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  1. Tools for implementation:
      • Trello: Use this project management tool to organize content ideas and track their progress through your weekly workflow.
      • Content planning spreadsheet: Create a simple spreadsheet to plan out content themes for each month.
  1. Consistency is key: Even during less inspired weeks, having a structured approach ensures you always have content to post, maintaining audience engagement.
Implementing the Justin Welsh approach can transform content creation from a daunting task into a manageable, even enjoyable, part of your weekly routine.
By breaking the process into smaller, focused tasks, you'll likely find yourself more productive and creative in your content efforts.

Pick a Cadence That Works for You (And Stick to It!)

Finding the right posting frequency is crucial for maintaining a consistent and effective content strategy.
It's about striking a balance between staying visible to your audience and maintaining quality in your content.

Steps to determine your ideal posting cadence:

  1. Assess your capacity: Be realistic about how much quality content you can produce consistently.
  1. Experiment with different frequencies: Try various posting schedules to see what works best for you and your audience.
  1. Platform-specific strategies: Recognize that different platforms may require different posting frequencies. For example, Twitter often benefits from more frequent posts compared to LinkedIn.
  1. Quality over quantity: Focus on creating valuable, engaging content rather than simply meeting a post quota.
  1. Consistency is key: Once you find a cadence that works, stick to it. Your audience will come to expect and look forward to your content.
Remember, the goal is to find a sustainable rhythm that allows you to produce high-quality content consistently.
This approach not only helps in building trust with your audience but also in establishing your authority in your coaching niche.

Minimum Viable Effort: Setting Yourself Up for Success

The concept of Minimum Viable Effort (MVE) is a game-changer for content creators.
It's about defining a baseline of content production that you can consistently meet, even during your busiest periods.

How to implement MVE in your content strategy:

  1. Define your non-negotiable output: Determine the minimum amount of content you can consistently produce. For example, two social media posts and one newsletter per week.
  1. Start small and build: Begin with your MVE and gradually increase your output as you become more comfortable with the process.
  1. Celebrate small wins: Acknowledge when you meet your MVE goals to build momentum and stay motivated.
  1. Use MVE as a foundation: Once you're consistently meeting your baseline, you can start to experiment with additional content or new platforms.
  1. Adjust as needed: Your MVE may change over time as your business grows or your circumstances shift. Be flexible and reassess periodically.
By setting a realistic MVE, you create a foundation for consistent content creation. This approach helps build confidence, establish habits, and paves the way for scaling your content efforts in the future.

Quality Over Quantity: Crafting Content That Resonates

In the world of content creation, quality should always take precedence over quantity.
Your audience is looking for valuable, actionable insights rather than a constant stream of mediocre posts.

Strategies for creating high-quality content:

  1. Develop a content quality checklist: Ensure each piece of content provides tangible value, is relevant to your niche, and has the potential to spark engagement.
  1. Repurpose high-performing content: Maximize the impact of your best ideas by adapting them for different platforms and formats.
  1. Incorporate audience feedback: Pay attention to comments and messages to understand what topics resonate most with your followers.
  1. Focus on providing value: Aim to be helpful and informative rather than striving for perfection.
  1. Use analytics to refine your strategy: Regularly review engagement metrics to understand what content performs best with your audience.
Remember, creating quality content is an ongoing process of refinement and improvement.
By consistently delivering value to your audience, you'll build trust, authority, and a loyal following in your coaching niche.

Get Ahead of the Game: Building a Content Buffer

Creating a content buffer is a strategic approach to content creation that can significantly reduce stress and improve the quality of your output.

Tips for building an effective content buffer:

  1. Set aside dedicated content creation time: Block out specific hours each week solely for content creation.
  1. Batch create content: Brainstorm and create multiple pieces of content in one sitting to maximize efficiency.
  1. Develop evergreen content: Create timeless pieces that can be used to fill gaps in your content calendar.
  1. Plan for seasonal and time-sensitive content: Keep a separate calendar for special posts and plan them well in advance.
  1. Aim for a 2-4 week buffer: Having content ready in advance gives you flexibility and reduces last-minute pressure.
Building a content buffer allows you to stay ahead of your posting schedule, giving you more time to refine your content and engage with your audience.
It's a practice that can transform your approach to content creation, making it more strategic and less stressful.

Streamline Your Process with Buffer: Auto-Scheduling Made Easy

Buffer is a powerful tool for content creators, offering features that can significantly streamline your content scheduling process.

Key benefits and tips for using Buffer:

  1. Customized posting times: Set optimal posting times for each platform to maximize engagement.
  1. Content pillar organization: Use Buffer's queue feature to organize content by themes or topics.
  1. Cross-platform management: Schedule content for multiple social media platforms from one dashboard.
  1. Analytics and insights: Use Buffer's analytics to refine your content strategy based on performance data.
  1. Content calendar view: Visualize your scheduled content across platforms to ensure a balanced approach.
By leveraging Buffer's features, you can save time, maintain consistency in your posting schedule, and gain valuable insights into your content performance.
This tool can be a game-changer in managing your content strategy effectively.


Creating an effective content calendar is a journey of continuous learning and refinement.
The strategies we've explored – from the Justin Welsh approach to leveraging tools like Buffer – provide a solid foundation for developing a content strategy that works for you and your coaching business.
Remember, the key to success lies in starting small, staying consistent, and being willing to adapt.
Every piece of content you create is an opportunity to showcase your expertise and connect with your audience.
With a well-planned content calendar, you're setting yourself up for success in 2024 and beyond.
Take action today by implementing one strategy from this guide.
Whether it's defining your Minimum Viable Effort or setting up your Buffer account, that first step will put you on the path to content mastery.
Here's to a year of consistent, engaging, and impactful content creation.
Your audience – and your business – will thank you for it!

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